Squads and training
Our main coached training takes place on the water at weekends, at our base at Royal Docks Watersports at the Royal Docks in East London. We have four rowing squads plus the cox squad, each with different expectations in terms of experience and commitment.
Each squad has a coach or coaching team who set the session plan and work with crews to help them progress toward their goals, whether that’s winning an upcoming race or simply enjoying a good outing on the day. We have a mix of dedicated coaches and assistant coaches, some of whom also row with the club. We actively support our assistant coaches in obtaining their British Rowing coaching qualifications. If you have coaching experience and are interested in working with the Otters then please contact us.
We compete throughout the year at regattas and head races across London, the South East and internationally. On average the club attends around one competition a month.
Besides weekend training at the Docks, we also have
Weekday morning/evening sessions when light/temperatures allow
Tideway weekends on the West London stretch of the river
Access to a weekly slot at the Ahoy erg gym in Greenwich
Two residential training camps – Senior Training Camp (senior squad only) and Rowcation
Each squad has a different purpose, so the training times and expected commitment levels differ. Rowing as a whole is led by the club captain, and then each squad has its own squad captain or captains who lead and coordinate that squad’s training. You can read more about the different squads below.
Training: Saturday 11.30 am – 2 pm
Novice is where most of us started in the club, and its purpose is to really cement the core skills you were taught during Learn to Row, build your confidence on the water, and add on a few more skills that will enable you to go anywhere.
Novice is for members who have less than 12 months’ experience on the water, and newer members are able to learn from more experienced members.
Flexibility: Low – we’re focusing on the core stuff you need to get really good at.
Attendance: Medium – you need to show up regularly to keep building confidence.
Coaching: Medium – focused group coaching following a training plan.
Racing: Low – there are a few local racing opportunities throughout the year.
Skill level: Low – if you’re just getting started, this is where you begin!
Training: Saturday 9 am – 11.30 am, plus casual outings
Intermediate is the next step in developing your rowing after Novice: you’ve got a bit more flexibility to explore smaller boats, skills like bow steering, or step up into slightly more competitive races.
Flexibility: Medium – there are more options, but the focus of the squad will change throughout the year (depending on weather, regattas, etc.).
Attendance: Medium – you still need to show up regularly to build skill.
Coaching: Medium – focused group coaching following a training plan.
Racing: Medium – there are a few additional racing opportunities throughout the year, but the focus is not always on these.
Skill level: Medium – 1+ years’ experience on the water, confidence in 8s and 4s.
Training: Saturday 7.30 – 11.30am, gym plan plus casual outings
Senior is about racing, that’s it. Fixed crews, regular attendance, and commitment to training beyond your weekend training session so you can attend and perform at regattas and head races. You’ll get focused coaching and develop real ‘depth’ of skill in your crew, but significantly less flexibility in choosing where/how/who you row with.
Flexibility: None – you’ll be in an assigned crews training towards and competing at specific races.
Commitment: High – not showing up regularly means letting your crew down.
Coaching: High – coaching focused on improving your crew’s performance.
Racing: High – focus is on training to race and racing.
Skill level: Medium-High – skill level is a factor in selection for crews. You’ll get focused training to improve your skill, but a baseline level of experience is required to get started.
Training: Saturday 11.30 am – 2 pm, plus casual outings
Social is for experienced rowers that want to continue rowing and racing without set training commitments. The squad's main goal is enabling rowers to get out on the water recreationally or commit to short-term crews to enter regattas. You have much more flexibility to collaborate with the squad captain around specific crews or boat types as your training goals change.
Flexibility: High – flexible boats/crews depending on your goals (subject to captain).
Commitment: Low – you can commit to rowing when it suits.
Coaching: Low – basic coaching and broad session plans.
Racing: Medium – up to you to commit to any races the club is attending, or just row recreationally if you aren’t focused on racing.
Skill level: Medium-High – you should be confident in most boats, able to row uncoached, and able to bow steer or stroke if required.
Training: Saturday between 7.30 am – 2 pm depending on crew, plus casual outings
Our coxes form their own squad enabling the rest of the club to row. We have a mix of dedicated coxes and rowers who help out by coxing, and plenty of opportunities for people to learn or develop their coxing.
Flexibility: Medium – you’ll be governed by the needs of the other squads, but you can choose whether to focus more on racing crews, novices or recreational rowers.
Commitment: Medium – discuss with the cox squad captain what you can commit to.
Coaching: Medium – coaches and other coxes can work to help develop your coxing.
Racing: Medium – up to you to commit to any races the club is attending, or just row recreationally if you aren’t focused on racing.
Skill level: Medium-High – you need to be able to cox safely on the water, but you don’t need to be a champion to help Otters train at the Docks.
Squad captains 2024–25
Michael Whitcher (they/them)
Novice Squad Captain:
Ghada ‘Fox’ Shawki (they/them)
Intermediate Squad Captain:
Sean Hammond (he/him)
Senior Squad Captains:
Edward Robertson (he/him),
Lisa D Richardson (she/her)
Social Squad Captains:
Toby Constantine-Cort (he/him),
Emmet Cassidy (he/him)
Cox Squad Captain:
Kieran Adams (he/him)