Our facilities and fleet
We are based at Royal Docks Watersports at the Royal Albert Dock in East London. Our rowing water is the only 2 km straight-line course in London, with pontoons for easy boating. The centre has a large boat shed as well as changing facilities, and we have more boats racked outdoors.
The centre also has an eight-seat indoor rowing tank with pumps for technical training. We use the tank for our Otterpups Learn to Row courses as well as for our squads when conditions mean we can’t row on the water.
Our fleet
We have a large and growing fleet of boats across all classes, from our Bee singles to our senior 8+s, Rush and Muppet. For the Otterpups courses we have four wooden ‘lake boat’ quadruple sculls that provide a safe and stable platform for their first sculling on the water.
LOT802 Rush
LOT803 Robert Forbes
LOT804 Freyja
LOT805 Sappho
Named for the Greek lyric poet from the island of Lesbos, who wrote about loving women and hence gives us the words ‘sapphic’ and ‘lesbian’
LOT806 Buffy
LOT807 Muppet
LOT401 David
LOT402 Warwick
Named for one of our co-founders, Warwick Lobban
LOT403 Rear Gunner Dai Morgan
LOT404 Ralphie
Named for one of our co-founders, Grant ‘Ralphie’ Ralph
LOT405 Ken Locke
LOT406 Tarka
Named after the classic 1927 novel Tarka the Otter by Henry Williamson
LOT407 Luke V
Named for our original coach, Luke Vernall, on the club’s tenth anniversary
LOT408 Safe Haven
LOT409 Claret & Blue
LOT411 Jo Jo
Named for Alex Jones and Tony Jordan at Red Planet Pictures, who sponsored the boat
LOT201 Parisha Dhirendra Joshi
Named by former chair Craig Batton, who won a fundraiser, after a long-term friend and her late father
LOT202 Royal Bank of Canada Pride
Sponsored by Royal Bank of Canada
LOT203 Fidelity Pride
Sponsored by Fidelity International
LOT204 Good Buoy
LOT205 Bow Curious
LOT206 Peter Gumpesberger
Named for a member of the club who died in 2019 of prostate cancer, this is the second boat to bear his name after the original was retired from the fleet
LOT101 OU-1
LOT102 Bertie
LOT103 Honey Bee
LOT104 Busy Bee
LOT105 Worker Bee
LOT106 Bumble Bee
LOT107 Queen Bee
Mike Gratton
Hiromi Taniguchi
Hugh Jones
David Holding