Rowcation 2024

Over the bank holiday weekend more than 100 Otters decamped to Peterborough for our annual Rowcation, the club’s home-away-from-home for one of the highlights of the Otters calendar. This year, for the first time, members of the Senior Squad travelled early to get an extra day and a half of training before the rest of the club joined, making use of the shallow and calm water to safely practise stationary drills and get out in smaller boats.

Over the course of the camp the club made use of the 1 km rowing lake to get everyone out in a variety of boats and maximise cross-squad training, as well as pushing boundaries by getting rowers coxing, bow steering or out in smaller boats than they had previously tried. New members of the club had a chance to get a capsize drill under their belt and those who wanted to could unwind with a yoga session between outings.

On Sunday morning a flotilla of Otters boats hit the River Nene for the annual river row, travelling through Peterborough and reminding ourselves that rowing is a means of getting places as well as going up and down a rectangular course! Sunday evening saw a costume party (this year’s theme: Row-chella) which didn’t prevent some friendly but competitive races to finish up on Monday morning.

London Otters RC